Broccoli Extract sulforaphane

Broccoli, also known as cauliflower. It is the mutation of brassica oleracea, which belongs to brassica, cruciferae. The edible part is the green tender flower stalk and bud. Broccoli extract contains lots of nourishment, such as protein, sugar, fat, vitamin and carotene etc. Also, as a good extraction sources of sulforaphane, broccoli seeds are rich in sulforaphane, about 20-50mg/g . What is Broccoli Extract sulforaphane ?

Broccoli Extract sulforaphane

What is Broccoli Extract sulforaphane ?

Sulforaphane is a phytochemical, can be found in cruciferous plants, such as broccoli, mustard blue and northern round carrots, among them, broccoli is the highest. As an antioxidant, sulforaphane is used for the prevention of prostate cancer and other types of cancer. Studies have shown that sulforaphane can improve the body’s detoxification, antioxidant and anti-cancer capabilities, and can also protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

What is Broccoli Extract sulforaphane benefits ?


Broccoli Extract sulforaphane for fat loss

In Japan, medical and health researchers team at Kanazawa University found that sulforaphane has the effect of inhibiting obesity by mouse experiments.

The team divided the mice into two groups, one for high fat food with sulforaphane, and the other for high fat food without sulforaphane, then they measured and compared weight of each mouse. The results showed that compared with mice in sulforaphane free group, the weight gain of mice in sulforaphane group was inhibited by about 15 % , and the amount of visceral fat decreased by about 20 %. In further research, researchers found sulforaphane two functions : first, it can increase the molecular ” Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1)” that presents in fat cells ,and promote the phenomenon of “fat cell Browning” that can increase energy consumption and fat combustion. Second, sulforaphane can improve the imbalance of intestinal flora caused by a high-fat diet, and can reduce the “endotoxin” concentration in the blood that causes inflammation. By inhibiting chronic inflammation in fatty tissue and liver, it can play a role in preventing diabetes and other habitual diseases.

Broccoli Extract sulforaphane for Liver Cancer

It is well known that HFHS (high fat, high sugar) diet increases the risk of obesity. Obesity is generally associated with the development of NAFLD (Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease), which can lead to diseases such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. The researchers found that when rats were placed in a carcinogenic environment, but fed broccoli, they had fewer tumor cells.

Researchers also said HFHS diet does increase fatty liver fat, but broccoli can prevent the disease. Broccoli can prevent much fat from entering the liver by reducing fat absorption and increasing fat metabolism in the liver. Taking broccoli daily can inhibit the activation of liver macrophages, reduce the accumulation of liver fat, relieve liver damage, and prevent the occurrence and development of liver tumors.

Broccoli Extract sulforaphane for diabetes

Broccoli Extract sulforaphane for diabetes

University of Gothenburg in Sweden proved that sulforaphane has the effect of lowering blood sugar in humans. Research team recruited 97 people with type 2 diabetes, let them take high concentrations of sulforaphane or placebo daily for three months. Except three subjects, other subjects had been taking Metformin and had also taken this drug during the trial. These three subjects were able to control blood sugar levels relatively well without Metformin. The team found that the blood sugar levels of the subjects who took sulforaphane decreased by 10 % compared to the placebo group.

Researchers also found that Broccoli Extract sulforaphane lowers blood sugar levels in a completely different way from Metformin. Metformin makes cells more sensitive to insulin, allowing them to clean up excess sugar in the blood. While sulforaphane reduces the level of glucose injected into the blood first, it works by inhibiting the enzyme activity of the liver, which drives glucose production. As they different solve ways, the team believes that sulforaphane and Metformin can complement each other.