Nutrition supplements for bone health

Nutrition supplements for bone health

Market trends in recent years shown that the nutritional products that for anti-aging , fat loss and brain health are favored by consumers. But what consumers tend to ignore is the nutrition supplements for bone health

Bone is a rigid organ that constitutes part of the vertebrate skeleton. Bones protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells, store minerals, provide structure and support for the body, and enable mobility. Although bones are the hardest organs in the body, they are also one of the busiest organs in the body. Therefore, as time passes, bones are prone to health problems.

Age is a major factor affecting the health because, as you age, your bones become fragile and prone to fractures. Survey data show that more than 80 % of menopausal women have experienced osteoporosis. Even worse, half of women and a quarter of men around the world have suffered at least one osteoporosis fracture after the age of 50. Osteoporosis causes 1.5 million fractures worldwide each year, including hip, spine and wrist fractures. In addition, about 40 million people have been affected by bone loss due to the advent of global ageing. Under this situation, more and more people are trying to maintain the healthy bones.

Since the number of people over 60 years is growing at the fastest rate in all age groups, it is essential to promote bone health in order to ensure the self-help ability of older people. It is estimated that by 2050, the global number of male hip fractures will increase by 240 %, and women by 310 %. The International Osteoporosis Foundation has classified low bone and osteoporosis as symptoms that seriously affect human health.

Nutrition supplements for bone health


How to maintain bone health? I believe many people will say: calcium supplements. Calcium supplements are indeed beneficial to bone health. But to maintain long-term bone health , we need more supplements.


Calcium is an essential component in maintaining bone health, but excessive calcium supplementation increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Because the body can’t produce calcium on its own, so calcium supplements are needed, but excessive calcium supplements can easily block blood vessels. What should we do? The solution is to supplement calcium with vitamin K2 intake, because vitamin K2 will produce bone protein, and then produce bone with calcium, increase bone density, and prevent fractures.

Nutrition supplements for bone health


Collagen is a very important protein in the human body and is mainly found in connective tissue. It has strong tensile power and is the main component of ligaments and tendons, while bones are mainly connected by ligaments and tendons.

In addition, 70 % -80 % of organic matter in bones is collagen. When bones are formed, they must first synthesize sufficient collagen fibers to form a skeleton framework. Therefore, collagen is a skeleton in bones. Collagen binds calcium to bone cells, preventing the loss of calcium that leads to loose bones. Calcium supplementation only is not easy to improve osteoporosis, because the whole of calcium we take can not be preserved in the bone, some calcium can be lost as well, because the amount of collagen is reduced. So to preserve bone, we should also supplement collagen.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin,” is produced when the sun’s rays interact with our skin. Vitamin D is often used in conjunction with calcium, it is essential for the role it plays in aiding the absorption and retention of other ingredients. It helps build stronger bones by increasing the absorption of calcium. It also improves the function of muscles, which can improve your balance and decrease the likelihood of falling and suffering a fracture.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2, which is also called Menatetrenone, plays an important role in blood clotting and tissue building. It is essential for the carboxylation of glutamate residues in certain proteins, to give-carboxyglutamate. This modification allows the protein to bind calcium, an essential event in the blood clotting cascade. Carboxylation of glutamate is also important in other proteins involved in the mobilization or transport of calcium, VK2 Menatetrenone is effective in bone growth and development, and it is being used to treat the degenerative bone disease osteoporosis.